Saturday, August 15, 2009

Essential question relating to Olidah Equiano's story

What does it mean to be an American?
To slaves, they weren't American, they weren't African-American, they were chattel. To be an American ment more like freedom than it did an honor. They saw Americans only as the slave owners and to escape that torment was to join them. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." That is how they saw it. They wanted to become an American to escape slavery, but it would be much better if they had never left. Looking back today, I bet some African-Americans are content with living over here. Whereas the slaves would much rather live back in Africa, but even they knew that was impossiable. (after everything was over they had the chance to go back, some did, some didn't). Blacks today have never grown to love that contenent they way their ansestors did. They never lived there and had the same lifestyle. If they did, maybe that thought would have changed. To be an american was, to be more than a slave, which is what only matter to them.

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