Friday, August 21, 2009

Anne Bradstreet diary entry

Dear Diary,
Today my husband left again to go on a business trip. He didn't even have "time" to stop and say goodbye. I am deeply concerned by this and I'm either praying or daydreaming of what he might really be doing! I can't stop thinking of things such as: cheating or just lying to me to get away from me. The thing killing me the most is last night's argument. But it was over such a silly thing: whether or not Johnny is allowed to go with him on his next business trip to learn more about the family business. You see the next opportunity for Johnny to learn is a year from now. That is too long to wait. I wanted Jim (my husband) to take Johnny but Jim said no he was too young. Then it escalated into a fight. I never got to tell him I'm sorry and that I love him, which is probably why I am so disturbed. I fear that because of our argument he will be more likely to do unfaithful things. I hope he knows that I love him.
That was the inspiration for my poem.


Anne Bradstreet

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