Sunday, September 20, 2009

Diary entry

Dear Diary,
Today I nearly escaped death. The white men who have been stealing our food, killing our men, scaring our women and children and kicking us out of our towns came to our fort today. I guess we should have seen it coming, or at least been more prepared. They surrounded our fort at about mid-day with their guns. the barged in with us completely unprepared. We thought we could win because the first 20 men we killed right as the ran through the door. Their muskets shot our men down. I was on the 2Nd level next to the door. I killed about 4 men. Even one of the meanest who ran through shouting then shot my brother. I ran to go help him then the same man who killed my brother shot me in the calf. I was unable to help my brother but had the strength to kill the evil white man who killed my brother. Then my best friend Tonto helped me use a ladder to climb outside and escape. By that time they had just set fire to the place and would give no mercy to any children. Tonto way up in a tree; by then a the sun was setting. We walked what felt like forever because of my leg but it was at least out of sight of the fort but close enough so I could see the smoke rising from it above the tree tops. Luckily Tonto was a medicine man who also knew a lot of white man practices. He saved my life.
That was about 1 years ago and we are now at a village, closer to the Spanish than the English, named Waccaca. Tonto lives next to me and I now have a woman and one baby on the way. I couldn't write in this because I lost it then re-found it in my old food sack.


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